Thursday, May 7, 2009

Watch Yo mouth!

So a little while ago Draycin walked into the kitchen; looked down at the mess on the floor, that Cael had made, and boldly exclaimed " What the crap?" at first I said what??? so... he looked at me, put his hands on his hips and said "mommy, What the crap?" I tried really hard not to laugh (because then he would've thought it was ok), and started to tell him that we don't talk like that, but was stopped right in my tracks. Scenes from my own life came flooding back to my memory.... hands on my hips..... puzzled looks on my face...... and those dreaded words...... It was then that I realized that it was, ahem, me who taught him that. Oh... you couldn't read that?!? OK IT WAS ME!!! I have used this phrase when I am upset, puzzled or lost, and didn't realize that my 2 year old had picked up on this and was just mimicking me. Oh the shame! I am sure that there are worse things that he could mimic , but from now on I am going to try to watch my mouth!!! and then I can just blame everything on his father! HA ha ha!



  1. This brought back memories of my own. There are many times my children have said things I am kindoff appalled at that I realize I, myself (or their daddy) have said many times before. Oh joy!!

  2. I agree - it's funny and awful all at the same time when you hear your kids mimic you!
