Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So I am throwing myself a pity party today. My head hurts (just like it has every day for a week straight) I am always tired, and wouldn't you guess... the dishes are not done! I always feel like a horrible mommy when I really think that I am gonna lose it if the kids don't get to sleep right at nine and I have the greatest urge just to scream my head off . Like, really... how would that make things any better??? I am starting to get REALLY SICK of being alone while Josh is works swing and I have to run all the kids around to all their activities. My body has been screaming at me to lay off and take a rest before it completely shuts down, BUT I DON"T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!!! I know that I am not alone in my complaining and I know that I shouldn't be doing it in the first place...so I will tell you what I am thankful for.....

1-My wonderful husband who works hard to support our family!
2- My beautiful kids and how lucky I am to have them! They make me laugh and smile every day!
3-My mom for coming and helping me with all the AVON literature.
4- My bed that I am going to go lay on in just a minute.
5- and for My Father in Heaven who blesses me and helps me keep going every day!


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