Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Recent Pictures!!!

Here we have adorable Allie holding adorable Cael!

Here is adorable Cael with mommy!
And again with daddy!
And with Draycin! are you starting to notice a trend here?? I just love both their fo-hawks! what cute boys!!
I am already laughing just typing this! I didn't have a picture of Brenton holding Cael, but being the evil step-momster I am! ( thanks Aunt Jody for the great name!) I couldn't help but post this pic! This is how Brenton Looks at least 2 times during the day, and yes those are tears, which he refuses to wipe away. He is thinking right as I am taking the picture if only looks could kill! then I show it to him and he breaks out in laughter! Oh Brenton we can't help but Love you! it's so hard to be a little boy!


  1. Oh my heck your kids are all so darling!! I love how chunky Cael is! And your home is beautiful! I love to look at your blog and your cute family :)

  2. Cael is pretty! I know boys aren't supposed to be pretty but he has such a cute little face. He looks chunky too. Sweet little boy.
