Wednesday, February 18, 2009

About me

Ok... so I thought that I would let everyone get to know me a little better by telling them about myself! and I just really love making lists, so this will be lots of fun!
1- I love the color pink or anything bright like orange and yellow.
2- I am a food junkie! honestly I can and will eat until I am sick. I think that this is called emotional eating or binging without the perging.
3- The pictue above is from over a year ago, but it was the cutest one I could find. Ha ha!
4- I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I know that it is true!
5- I Love flowers! all kinds!
6- I love the way Josh smells and I can pick out his smell in a crowded room!
7- I have a serious obsession with fat baby legs! I love to squish squeeze and pinch them! All fat babies better watch out!
8- I am a procrastinator....although I have become better since I became a mom.
9- I would love to go to beauty school someday.
10- I really enjoy blogging! it helps me to relax and be happy!
11- I think that my kids are some of the cutest kids there are! I think it is my right to be biast!
12- I have no idea when it comes to decorating my house. I steel everyone elses ideas.
13- I am a worry wort!!! I worry about everything!! Josh thinks I am a pessimistic person because I always think of the worst thing that can happen.
14- I really am a positive person, though. there isn't much that I couldn't do if I wanted to!
15-I once ate an entie 5 lb bag of chocolate candy bars in 3 days. again with the emotional eating and my extreme love for chocolate!!
16- Josh and I got married when I was 20 years old. I had my first son when I was 21; my second son at 23 and I hope that I get a girl next time around. I wll still be happy even if get another boy.
17- If I could vacation anywhere in the world I would go to Italy or Hawaii!
18- I am named after my 2 grandmas: Sharon Jean and Della Jean.
19- I don't think that I would change any of the struggles that I have had in my life because they are what has brought me to where I am today and helped to shape me and blessed me to have the wonderful husband, children and testimony that I have!
20- I hope in reading this that we can all become better friends!


  1. Shari! Thanks so much for making a blog! It's so fun to read about your life and learn a little more about you! You're a great mommy, and your children are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky to have you! I loved all the pics and info on your kids, too! What cutie pies! LOVE YOU GIRL!!!

  2. I loved reading this!! You are seriously a ray of sunshine - always smiling and happy. I love your favorite colors too - and I definitely can't decorate. I missed out on the creative/decorating gene. It was fun to read this!!
