Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We have stuff for rockets and we shot 2 off in our back yard the other day when the weather was cooperating!
Josh is preparing the rockets for take off!

All the kids sitting on the tramp watching and waiting to push the button.

Aren't they Cute!?

The kids love to push the button and count down!

The cool thing about this was that the wind dropped it right back to our yard and Josh was able to catch it in his hand! I wish I would've been recording!!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys have been busy. We need to hang out soon. Dinner, games, movies and popcorn for the kids. Can you believe the summer vacation is almost 1/4 of the way over? It almost doesn't seem like this can be since it has rained most of the last 2 weeks!! Hope the sun shines, a whole lot, soon!!!
