Monday, June 15, 2009

Growing Pains!

Allie got her ears pierced two weeks ago and it was an exciting event! We enjoy watching her grow and are reminded that sometimes growing up can hurt...literally, but not too bad. I actually expected a scream, or an ouch or something! Allie stayed very poised and didn't hardly flinch! What a trooper, and she has done a good job at taking care of her ears too! She looks beautiful and is very happy with her new earrings!

Allie is holding onto her mom to make sure that everything will be OK and Grandma Nelson is telling her to wiggle her toes so that she won't feel the pain. Half a second later she has big girl pierced ears!!!

The preparatory cleaning and marking of the ears... Allie was very quiet and you could tell that she was a bit nervous!
The big smile after the worst part is over!

Allie has a lot of support there cheering her on when she got her ears pierced and it is needless to say that she walked out of there just LOADED with new earrings!! Doesn't she look happy?!

Allie is such a beautiful girl, and I look at her every day and can't believe how big she is getting! Love you Allie!!!


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