Catch up time!It has been quite a while since I last posted and there have been so many things that have happened, but I don't have the pictures yet because Josh has not had any time to put them on the computer for me, and you all know that if I tried to do it that the entire system would some how crash! That is just my luck and I can't use the excuse that I am blond anymore.... because I am just a fake
blond. Sniff. I will post all of them at a later date!
I cannot believe that it is already June 9
th! Time has flown so fast! Allie and Brenton are finally out of school for the summer as of the 4
WHOOHOO!!! I am so excited for all the fun stuff we are going to do this summer!!!
Allie and Brenton finished up soccer and now Brenton is playing pitch machine baseball. He doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as wrestling or soccer, but that is
ok because he won't be able to do all the sports as he gets older. He is really looking forward to when it is warm enough to go swimming! The kid loves to swim!
Allie is going to be
8 years old on the 28
th of this month and She will be getting baptized on July 11
th. Can you believe that she is that old already?.... neither can I! Where did the little girl go? She just got her ears pierced so that she can wear pretty white earrings for her baptism, and I will have to post the video and pics on here when I can!
Draycin has really begin to show us some attitude and he has us laughing or frustrated all the time! He is all boy, and very much into that serious two year old attitude! He can be the sweetest little funny boy there is and then he can scream GIVE ME MY MILK!!! I am sure you all know what I am talking about. Just last week he discovered how to unlock the doors in the house, and while I was taking a quick shower he decided he was going to go outside, and you guessed it... I nearly had a heart-attack when I found him out there, and all he could say (very sweetly) was I just wanted to see the cats. He hasn't done it since, and better not ever again!
Cael is becoming increasingly more mobile: pulling himself up to things and crawling! He gets into everything!!!! He is such a sweet baby, and he is so funny! he must hear us saying no to
Draycin all the time because he will go over to
Draycin and pat him and tell him no no no no no. I really shouldn't laugh that my 10 month old already knows the "infamous" NO, but it is
sooo cute.
Cael has been saying mama for about 4 months and he also says
dada, kitty, and Allie. He officially has 4 teeth! the top two popped through yesterday morning! He loves to ride on anything that resembles a bike and he already know how to fight for what is his (you wouldn't guess that it is because of
Josh and I are always very
busy with work and kids and always tired at the end of each week, but we are happy and so pleased to see how our little family is growing! We all have so much fun together!! I can't wait to get all the pictures on here for you to see!
I hope you don't mind all of the run on sentences.;)