Every year Bear River puts on several different dances for primary age kids. We still get to attend them because my in-laws live there!! Here are some pictures of the dance!Me and Cael, Grandma Nelson and Draycin and Jacinda and Averie doing the Hokey Pokey!!!They always have a little pick nick at the end of the Easter dance, and that kids love to eat the snacks on the blankets on the ground!Draycin and Mommy! I can't believe how big he has gotten!!This is such a cute picture of Grandma with Cael!!Draycin in his Easter Spiffs!!!What a flattering picture for poor me and Jacinda!! At least Draycin looks happy!!Alex, Averie, Cael and Jacinda! Aren't cousins fun!!
Draycin and daddy! Does this picture of Josh look as painful to you as it does to me?? ha ha!!
Yes, very familiar with the Easter Dance! Definitely a tradition!