Monday, April 12, 2010

Fond Memories!!!

For Easter I bought the kids some of my very favorite Little (Rabid) Debby caramel cookies. These cookies are not only delicious, but very dear to me! My Great grandma Mikesell used to buy them for us and keep them in her little old oven. When we would go to visit her she always had a treat for us! She was such a wise and loving old woman.... I remember thinking when I was about 10 years old that she was definitely going to the Celestial Kingdom because she was so good! Our family had some very special moments of feeling the spirit and being together while we sat and listened to grandma tell us stories of her youth and her kids. She always sang to us! I often think of her, and miss her! I wish my kids could experience the joy of knowing her.... though, I am sure she knew and had to do with my children before they were born! On days that I miss her the most I am reminded of this song that she always sang to us before we left her house.

Put me in your pocket where I'll be close to you
No more will I be lonesome and no more will I be
And when we have to part dear there'll be no sad
to do.
For I'll be in your pocket and I'll go along with you!

I Love you Grandma!


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