Tuesday, November 16, 2010

September 2010

I Know that once again I am playing catch up, But this is only some of the most impotant events from September! Allie and Brenton Started School the end of September after an 18 day vacation to Portugal. We were all glad to have them back!
Draycin's first day of preschool the first week of September!
I know only one picture from Peach days, but at least we went!
Our kids got to go out on the field at the REAL soccer game!
Allie trying as hard as she can to keep her brothers from goofing off or running away.
Draycin Celebrating his 4th Birthday at Grandpa and Grandma Nelsons.
Another Cute picture of Allie and Brenton before their first day of school.
The Spider Man cake/cup cakes I made for Draycin's Birthday!
All our cute kids at the Hogle Zoo for Draycin's Birthday activity! All of our kids are spoiled with lots of "Birthday"!
All the kids loved riding the merry go round!

Uh... I like your glasses honey! I like them alot!
Me and all the monkeys in our family!
The tigers gave us an amazing show! I have never seen them play so much!
Grandpa, Grandma, Allie, Draycin, me, Cael and Brenton in front of the Elephants!
Our little Family! The Elephants are so smart and way fun to watch!
Ever since I can remember it is manditory that you get your picture taken in front of the lion fountain! -Draycin
Our kids on the big elephant statue. Cael was really freaked out because of the noise that comes out of it. You should've seen his reaction to the big gorilla- one word... terrifying!
Cael and Daddy! Of course we rode the train!
Blow up this picture and look at that turtle's baby blues! Gorgeous!
Oh no! Brenton has been captured by a ravenous alligator, and for some reason he is still smiling?? I would be pulling the worst face possible! ha ha!
Look who just hatched out!

Draycin Celebrating his Birthday at Grandpa and Grandma Holley's house!
That's it for now! Hope you liked the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I"m jealous of all of the fun you guys have! Wish I could see you guys tomorrow. Todd and the kids will be down though. Sure miss you!
